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Information about our Lights of Love fundraiser will arrive in your mailbox soon. Sponsored by the Friends of Elm Grove Library, the fundraiser gives all residents and businesses the chance to contribute to our library’s continued success. The funds raised through the Lights of Love campaign go toward the materials and services our Library offers.

You may choose to donate in your own name or in someone else’s or “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone. Be sure to read the Lights of Love mailer and, if at all possible, donate! All donations are tax deductible.

Donate to Lights of Love on line or use the form mailed to your home or business. Extra forms are also available at the library.

Enjoy the season’s activities for children and adults, children’s crafts, tree-lighting, caroling and refreshments. Join the family-friendly activities in the library, then move outside for the Village tree lighting and caroling. Then enjoy refreshments inside (in the courtroom).

3:00  p.m.  Library opens with Mr. Conductor’s  model train exhibit

3:30  p.m.  Santa Claus arrives in the Library

3:30  p.m.  Holiday Crafts with Miss Marla (O’Neill Room)

3:30  p.m.  Mrs. Claus reads her favorite stories (Community Room)

4:30  p.m.  Caroling Girl Scouts lead us outdoors to “light the “Lights of Love” tree (outside the Village Hall)

Refreshments in the Village Courtroom

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